Working with Paul Miller
„Working with Paul Miller has been an immense pleasure and has showed me that acting was also very much about having fun and opening yourself to others. Paul always took the time to work deeply on our scenes, to help us in the creation of our characters and to discuss our performances in detail. He always managed to create a warm atmosphere and a strong complicity among us. This sense of community has enabled us to produce a great quality work and to train in a climate of joy and good humour.“ – Nagisa Morimoto
„Paul ist ein wundervoller Lehrer. Er hat einen sensiblen und ehrlichen Blick. Er bleibt immer neugierig und unvoreingenommen. Er geht zusammen mit dir auf die Reise und gibt dir immer wieder aufs Neue Impulse, die dich herausfordern und deine Fantasie antreiben…“ – Marc Rissmann
“Paul Miller schafft eine Atmosphäre des Vertrauens und der Ausgelassenheit. Mit seiner sehr kreativen und wertschätzenden Arbeitsweise erreichte er jeden Kursteilnehmer und so erreichten wir alle unsere kleinen bis grossen Ziele am Ende des Kurses. Seine Arbeit mit Tieren ist sehr inspirierend für die eigene Rollenarbeit. Besonders hervorzuheben ist, dass Paul Miller mit seiner Arbeitsweise jedem seine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit schenkt und ihn in der Suche nach seinen individuellen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten sehr konzentriert begleitet.” – Sascha Ö. Soydan
“Paul is able to create an orchestra full of different elements – everybody is important – exploiting qualities of each actor. He offers his experience with enthusiasm, humility and patience. It’s wonderful how he feels what the group needs. In a week we have staged a great show. Everything starts with small things. No claims, just energy, will and passion inside a master.” – Giulia Bocciero
“Paul Miller è stata un’esperienza importante per me, mi ha rievocato nella mente i motivi per cui mi sono avvicinata al teatro: la sua attenzione meticolosa al lavoro e agli attori, la sua capacità profonda di ascolto rivolta a tutti durante il workshop, l’energia solare e giocosa ( giocosa nel senso inglese di “play”), una poetica teatrale forte, ricca di immagini e la capacità di trasformare, grazie al lavoro con gli animali, gli attori in personaggi vivi e autentici. Il suo occhio paziente si posa senza giudizio sul lavoro degli attori infondendo energia e coraggio.” – Mara Di Maio
„Paul is a very special teacher, delicate, prepared and always able to create the right atmosphere for the job. He brings serenity and confidence and is able to find the key for each student to open their own artistic world. Always focused on the job, he truly conveys the attitude „Acting is easy and it’s fun“ and he is an expert of the „Animal Work“. Working with him will change the way you see things and take on your artistic career.Paul is an adventure that I recommend to every actor who wants to extend their horizons.“– Ettore Nicoletti
„I recently attended an Animal Work Intensive workshop with Paul Miller at the Schott Acting Studio. (The studio had been recommended by an acting professional in London.) I am glad that I chose to attend, as the experience was a very positive one. I appreciated being sent pre-workshop assignments and readings with which to prepare for the experience. I thought the instructor did a great job of creating a comfortable environment in which to explore the technique. He was passionate about the work and quite willing to come early/stay late for anyone who wished to have additional time to work on the technique. The group was made up of talented participants with a range of experience, and I felt I learned a great deal just from observing their work. The space was well-suited for the program, and it was great to have an option to stay on site. I plan to return to the studio for additional offerings.“ – Yelp/Qype