Character Movement

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Character Movement  | for Actors and Performers

with Liana Nyquist

Ort: Berlin, Eden
Zeiten: 13. bis 18. April 2012
Kosten: 420 Euro inkl. MwSt.
Für Infos & Anmeldungen bitte schreiben oder anrufen: oder 0173/ 616 50 88
Movement for actors

The actor will engage in a technique which explores complex inner psychological states and their related outward physical expression.

Through a series of well constructed exercises and practical tasks the actor develops an understanding of the relationship of inner and outer tempi of character.

Rhythm is found as the core of human emotion which in turn relates to physical expression.  By developing the actor’s sense for rhythms, interior and exterior, the result will be a fully realised character, with both its inner and outer aspects balanced.

The actor can then pay attention to the third relationship, the one of space. The relationship between mind, body and space is integral to the actor’s final transformation of a complete character, projected by an inner and outer truth. Throughout the actor will explore movement and its principles in personal choices.

These principles are founded on economy, physical risk taking and imaginative, bold and courageous choices.

“Die Körpersprache ist mein wichtigstes Werkzeug. Mit ihr kann ich den Gemütszustand eines Menschen besser zum Ausdruck bringen als mit einer Dialogzeile.” – Michael Fassbender

„ Liana’s aura is very natural and she gladly answers questions. That makes it easy to communicate with her. On the other hand she can be very strict which I like as well because especially in this business nobody is going to meet you half way. Therefore discipline and intense work are a treasure to keep. I find it inspiring too. Most of our activity was physically demanding, but the sweat lost in harmonic dances and expressions was worthy. I do recommend this workshop for people with advanced level. The reasons lie in the material that is discussed and the exercises which will interweave with your current knowledge and experience.“

For further information about Liana Nyquist click here.