Acting Through Dreams Intensive

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Acting Through Dreams & Scene Study Intensive mit Pamela Scott


Die beiden Teile „Acting Through Dreams“ und „Scene Study“ können einzeln gebucht werden.

Acting Through Dreams – 8 Days

You know how you wake up from a dream and it feels so real, like you lived it? Well, that’s how your acting starts to feel. You’re living your truth on stage or on film. Your authentic self for all the world to see. It’s fun, powerful, heartbreaking and heartwarming. Your whole self in all the work you do.

Dreams spur curiosity about how our innermost worlds relate to our waking lives. In this workshop, Pamela Scott leads an exploration into the connections between the unconscious and conscious to help actors and creatives hear what their inner selves have been waiting to share with them.

Through the Dream Work process, participants unlock pathways to their internal worlds that will enable them to get to the truth of who they are so that they can imbue their characters with more nuance and authenticity. The workshop, based on the teachings of Sandra Seacat and Jungian dream-work includes exercises in relaxation and sensory awareness and dream analysis conducted in a compassionate and judgment-free environment.

Pam’s 7-day workshop is designed for those who want to go to the next level in their work and add new depths to their craft. Participants should arrive ready to connect and support one another on the journey of self-discovery which will enable them to soar in their work as actors and creatives.

Pam has been my private acting coach since I started acting. I wouldn’t dream of doing an audition or film without first coaching with Pam.” – Julia Garner, (Ozark, Inventing Anna, The Assistant) Julia has won 3 Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe for her work on Ozark. Pam coached her on it all.

Scene Study/Szenenstudium – 7 Days

Pamela brings her entire wealth of knowledge and 40 years of experience to her scene study classes. Aside from being an actress and playwright, Pamela was a director at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts for 15 years and ran a theatre company for 20 years. She brings it all to the table to help actors tap into their core truth, and access their authentic best selves to put into the work. She believes the world is waiting for you to share your gift of bringing the written word and the characters to a powerful and engaging life. To tell your stories through your creativity and acting craft.

Pamela has a keen gift for creating a safe, nurturing, rich environment
to work in. She has a way of taking the pressure off, making it fun and playful while getting the highest quality of work out of everyone. She loves guiding actors and it shows in everything she does.

Pamela will guide you through a daily warm up. You’ll explore your character through self work and your scenes. She will use the techniques of the masters along with her own. She will find what you need and help you to achieve it, by breaking habitual patterns and replacing them with authenticity, truth and spontaneity.

Pam has been one of my greatest collaborators. I’ve always looked up to Kobe Bryant for inspiration and he always said wise players get a good personal coach, huddle up as a team, share a singular vision, know the mission and have relentless work ethic. That’s what wins championships. Pam has been that partner for me. Forever grateful she’s walked with me and continues to do so on this journey.”Scott Haze, (Horizon, Old Henry, Child of God/James Franco)

Ort: Berlin, Schott Acting Studio
Termin (In-Person): 26. August bis 13. September 2024
Zeiten: 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Die beiden Teile „Acting Through Dreams“ und „Scene Study“ können einzeln gebucht werden.
Warte nicht zu lange, bewerbt Euch. Es gibt nur begrenzte Plätze.
Wochenenden frei oder bei Bedarf für eventuelle Proben
I. Acting Through Dreams: 26. August bis 4. September 2024 – 8 Tage
Normale Gebühr: 975 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Frühbucher: 915 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Sofortbuchergebühr: 825 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
II. Scene Study/Szenenstudium: 4. bis 13. September 2024 – 7 Tage
Normale Gebühr: 945 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Frühbucher: 865 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Sofortbuchergebühr bis 25. Mai: 785 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Begrenzt auf  14 Schauspieler*innen
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Inkl. 2 Wochen vor dem Kurs ZOOM Session für „Dream Assignment“ und Auswahl der Szenen
Dieser Workshop richtet sich an professionelle Schauspieler*innen. Erfahrung vor der Kamera ist nicht erforderlich,
aber die Teilnahme ist auf Schauspieler*innen mit vorheriger Ausbildung oder Erfahrung beschränkt.
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Förderung: GVL (30%) | (Level: Erfahrene Schauspieler & Junge Talente)
3% Reduktion: Ich bin bei einer der folgenden Organisationen Mitglied und kann dies auch nachweisen
(BFFS, Interessenverband Deutscher Schauspieler e.V., Verdi, Ensemble Netzwerk, SBKV – Schweizer Bühnenkünstler Verband, VÖFS – Verband österreichischer SchauspielerInnen, SSFV – Filmschauspieler, ACT – Berufsverband der Freien Theaterschaffenden, BFDK – Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste, Bundesverband Regie, ADA – Österreichischer Regieverband, Verband Filmregie Österreich Verband Deutscher Drehbuchautoren e.V., Verband für Film – und Fernsehdramaturgie e.V., Drehbuchverband Austria, Verband Österreichischer Film-Autoren (VÖFA), Interessenverband Synchronschauspieler e.V., Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V.)


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