„Just Act – Sing!“ mit Pavel Farsky

  • Sofortbuchergebühr bis 1. April Bitte sendet uns eure Bewerbung vor der Buchung

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    Dieses Produkt weist mehrere Varianten auf. Die Optionen können auf der Produktseite gewählt werden
„Just Act – Sing!“ mit Pavel Farsky

is a program designed and suitable for active participants – professional / amateur actors and singers, students of acting or/and singing, talented personalities, 
people who want to try acting and singing

  • gives new views – new inspiration for increase attractiveness on stage, in front of the camera, in front of the audience, in everyday life situations
  • strengthens self-confidence for the planned event (role with singing, audition, presentation at work, special life occasion, normal life situations)
  • shows the challenges for future self-improvement, gives the main components of the „Just Act – Sing!“ method (e. g.: body and voice preparation for singing with acting – warm up techniques, techniques for increase voice attractiveness, body preparation for natural singing and acting, work with the basic idea, lyrics and emotions for the final connection between singing and acting)
  • time range: 3 days, 6 – 8 hours/each day, there is also possibility of short individual consultations between parts of the workshop

Conditions: minimum age 18 years, healthy vocal system (lungs, vocal chords, oral tract), at least basic experience with singing. Each participant prepares his/her own song in advance (will be chosen through communication before the beginning).

Workshop – plan:

  • 1 week before the beginning is finalized the process of choice of the individual songs for each active participant (the communication about the song will be provided by the organizer).
  • songs are prepared by the participants before the beginning of the Workshop
  • instrumental accompaniment of each individual song is prepared by Pavel Farsky
  • in the beginning of each day are provided techniques and exercises for the voice and body warming-up
  • each active participant passes all the main parts of the „Just Act – Sing!“ method with use of his/her chosen individual song
  • in the end of Workshop is the internal Final Show (for the participants only)
    each participant receives a certificate about completion of the Workshop
„Pavel is a great teacher.  He has positive energy and his lessons were very well organized and useful. He really helped me come out of my shell and sing in front of others without pushing me, but with encouragement. He was very supportive and taught me a lot. I wish we had more lessons with him. I highly recommend his lessons.“ – Sunneva Fjölnisdóttir
“Dear Pavel, I speak in the name of everyone in class when I say that your classes were absolutely great. You worked individually with everyone and showed us all where and how to improve. Also, the songs you chose for us not only matches our voice but also our personalities and that made everything so fun and easier to learn…” Alex Spiewak Figueiredo
“Thank you so much for everything Pavel!!! I really appreciate everything! Music and singing are so important to me; it has made me grow and heal. Thank you for bringing that back into my life Kaitlyn“”  Kaitlyn Dutchin
Termin: 22. bis 24. Mai, 2020 | 3 Tage | 10:00 bis 17:00/17:30 Uhr
Ort: In Berlin, Schott Acting Studio | Begrenzt auf 12 Teilnehmer*innen
Normale Gebühr: 225 Euro inkl. MwSt.
Frühbuchergebühr bis 22. April: 195 Euro inkl. MwSt.
Sofortbuchergebühr bis 1. April: 175 Euro inkl. MwSt.
Grands: Bildungsprämie (50%) & GVL (30%)
For further information,
please send us an Email: info@schott-acting-studio.de

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