Creating Personal Narrative

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Creating Personal Narrative

A Writing/Workshop-Retreat mit Martin Moran

September * Berlin * Workshop* Reflection * Writing

Join Broadway Veteran and OBIE and Multiple-Award-Winning Solo performer, Martin Moran, for this one-week intensive workshop–contemplative writing retreat, exploring the power of personal narrative.

“To tell our stories skillfully; to bare our souls bravely, is a powerful way to mend the world.”

I want to invite you to Eden for a unique workshop-retreat this September. An opportunity to work alongside fellow artists in a concentrated container; devoting ourselves to the personal stories that call out from within and honing the skills it takes to shape them.

Whatever form our personal narratives take—solo-play, essay, podcast, script—in this intensive time we will spend our mornings in practice together (From 10:00 to 1:00) exploring ways to create and structure our work while the afternoons (2:00 to 5:00) will be devoted to quiet and collective time to write. I will schedule individual sessions in the afternoons as well, so that each participant has a half-hour to work with me one on one during the course of the week.

We will also spend our lunchtime together.

Our week will culminate with a gathering and presentation of stories to friends and colleagues.

This promises to be an intimate and inspiring week together. I look forward to having you with us. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write to me.

Reviews of „The Tricky Part,“ the book on which Martin based his solo show:

“Martin Moran has written a story about difficult, painful and deeply personal events in his life with uncommon generosity and decency. The story is shocking, even brutal, but I felt cleansed at its end. He has found compassion where I would have thought there was none. When art does that, it enriches us, and his book is art.”TERRENCE MCNALLY, Tony Award winning author of Frankie and Johnny …

“A beautiful book. Martin Moran is a graceful, witty, perceptive writer, remarkably brave, free of self-pity – his spirit, manifest on every page, is discerning and generous to the point of radiance. He’s a scrupulous and precise rememberer and explorer, and because he refuses simplification for the sake of judgment and yet insists on the necessity of rendering judgment, The Tricky Part is fully human, unsettling and wise.”TONY KUSHNER, Author of Angels in America

For a glimpse of Martin’s work, view this trailer about his award winning Off-Broadway Play:

Sie sehen einen Platzhalterinhalt von Vimeo. Um auf den Inhalt zuzugreifen, auf die Schaltfläche unten klicken. Es werden dabei Daten an Drittanbieter weitergegeben.

Mehr Informationen

Ort: Schott Acting Studio
Termin (In-Person): 15. bis 20. September 2024 | 6 Tage
Zeiten: Sonntag bis Freitag von 10:00 bis 13:00 Uhr CET * Unterricht und Sharing mit Martin
Nach der Mittagspause ab 14 Uhr Schreibzeit & 1:1 Sitzungen mit Martin | Zusammenkommen am Abend
Frühbucher: 665 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Sofortbuchergebühr: 595 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Gruppengröße: Begrenzt auf 10 Teilnehmer*innen
Schauspieler*innen, Autoren*innen, Performer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
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Förderung: GVL (30%)
3% Reduktion: Ich bin bei einer der folgenden Organisationen Mitglied und kann dies auch nachweisen
(BFFS, Interessenverband Deutscher Schauspieler e.V., Verdi, Ensemble Netzwerk, SBKV – Schweizer Bühnenkünstler Verband, VÖFS – Verband österreichischer SchauspielerInnen, SSFV – Filmschauspieler, ACT – Berufsverband der Freien Theaterschaffenden, BFDK – Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste, Bundesverband Regie, ADA – Österreichischer Regieverband, Verband Filmregie Österreich Verband Deutscher Drehbuchautoren e.V., Verband für Film – und Fernsehdramaturgie e.V., Drehbuchverband Austria, Verband Österreichischer Film-Autoren (VÖFA), Interessenverband Synchronschauspieler e.V., Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V.)


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