Online: Creative Dream Work

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Online: An Introduction to Creative Dream Work

with Amanda Lovejoy Street

In this introduction, we will explore the tools of the work both experientially and through dialogue. We will begin by opening the body, voice and breath, experimenting with getting off the grid and into the non habitual. As we slow down and soften the central nervous system, we will seek to drop into a relaxed, meditative space where we will humbly make contact with the unconscious through inner symbols and figures and unearth what our artistry might crave and need at this time. We will explore through our senses, our breath and voice, through gestures and our embodied deep imaginations. When we return to the topside world, there will be time to work with what came through. Before we close, we will gather as a group and explore the unearthed material as a collective. Recommended for those students newer to the work and open to all.

About creative dream work:

Creative Dream Work offers access to the rich and undiscovered content of the unconscious, allowing artists of all disciplines to create more authentic work.

Working with the breath, voice and embodied imagination, we descend into contact with the creative source. There, we explore dreams, archetypes, symbols, unknown aspects of self, and habitual belief systems to find new ways of entering creative projects. We work with gesture, sound, creative dialogue and other tools to reveal and integrate unclaimed material that wants to come through.

Using art work, writing, partnered and group exercises, we bring that material to the top side world and invite it into expression. The practice cultivates unique and authentic creativity, acceptance, permission, and presence.

Amanda Lovejoy Street is a Dream Work facilitator/coach based in upstate New York and Los Angeles. Her work explores what is unearthed when we allow unconscious impulses and images to arise. Amanda has been working with her dreams since she was a teenager. Her first introduction to the relationship between creativity and dreams was in 2005 with Sandra Seacat. Amanda found her way to Creative Dream Work in 2011 and began an in-depth apprenticeship with Kim Gillingham in 2013. She began facilitating and coaching with Creative Dream Work in 2017, working with artists of all disciplines who seek to develop a relationship with the unconscious as an ever replenishing source of creativity and depth.  Most recently, Amanda brought the work to New Zealand where she was an advisor for the 2022 New Zealand filmmaker’s lab, Story Camp. Amanda has also been practicing insight meditation since 2008 under teachers such as Shinzen Young, Michael Taft and George Haas which greatly influences her approach to the work. In addition to dream work and meditation, Amanda has explored many therapeutic modalities and a wide range of approaches to creativity. In addition to teaching, Amanda’s own creative process has been deeply informed by Creative Dream Work. Her first short film, MAGIC BULLET, was was born from this way of working. Next year, she is making her first feature film, SOMETHING HOLLOW, with Neon Heart Productions.

“The precise role of the artist, then, is to illuminate that darkness, blaze roads through that vast forest, so that we will not, in all our doing, lose sight of its purpose, which is, after all, to make the world a more human dwelling place.” – James Baldwin 
Ort: Zoom, Schott Acting Studio
Termin (Zoom): 3. September | In-Person Workshop 11./12./13. Nov (In Kürze online buchbar!)
Zeiten: 17:30 bis 20:00 Uhr CET
Normale Gebühr: 100 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Frühbucher: 85 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Sofortbuchergebühr: 75 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Sprache: Englisch | * 2 freie Plätze!
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Förderung: Bildungsprämie (50%) & GVL (30%) | (Level: Erfahrene Schauspieler & Junge Talente)
3% Reduktion: Ich bin bei einer der folgenden Organisationen Mitglied und kann dies auch nachweisen
(BFFS, Interessenverband Deutscher Schauspieler e.V., Verdi, Ensemble Netzwerk, SBKV – Schweizer Bühnenkünstler Verband, VÖFS – Verband österreichischer SchauspielerInnen, SSFV – Filmschauspieler, ACT – Berufsverband der Freien Theaterschaffenden, BFDK – Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste, Bundesverband Regie, ADA – Österreichischer Regieverband, Verband Filmregie Österreich Verband Deutscher Drehbuchautoren e.V., Verband für Film – und Fernsehdramaturgie e.V., Drehbuchverband Austria, Verband Österreichischer Film-Autoren (VÖFA), Interessenverband Synchronschauspieler e.V., Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V.)


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