Online: Story for Tellers

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Online: Story for Tellers mit Tomer Adorian

How to tell stories that matter

As actors, directors, and writers, we often describe our work as storytelling. Yet, have we ever stopped to think about what makes a story interesting? What is it that turns a series of facts or events into a narrative?

In this two-week intensive, we will explore the elements of story structure and the art of telling it to others. Each week, we will discover new methods and tools to unlock the hidden meanings behind monologues, scenes, and fiction. Tell stories, share work, and clarify our artistic voices in order to better our individual crafts.

We geared the course toward theatre-makers of all facets, looking to expand their knowledge and take ownership of their work.

Tomer Adorian is a New York based director and theatre-maker. He has worked with Fordham University, The Acting Studio, Young Patrons of Lincoln Center, Columbia University, and The Barrow Group, with which he is also a Directing Mentor for their theatre program at Quinnipiac University. Tomer is the Co-Founder & Artistic Director of The Poet Acts – an award-winning not-for-profit theatre company dedicated to developing emerging artists.

„Starting or maintaining a writing practice can be tough- it’s often lonely work and requires commitment. The course I took with Tomer was quite revelatory. He has such a range of brilliant exercises and techniques and really understands how stories work. I found myself writing in new ways and about personal topics, and opening up whole new areas of creative exploration; and I attribute this to Tomer’s natural gift as a tutor and coach. He brings such a welcoming and supportive energy and has a really special way of grasping and highlighting the deeper concerns within your work, so you’ll say- ‘oh I see! that’s what i wanted to talk about!’, and be able to continue with fresh ideas and energy.“Daniel Baker (Actor/Writer)
“This Workshop has met all of my expectations. Tomer is the kind of teacher that works with whatever you give him and encourages you on your own individual journey. In our classes, we kept a clear overview of the essential points of story structure and how they apply to our own writings, which was enormously helpful. What’s more, by encouraging us to be led by our own intuition, we achieved an outstanding balance between freedom and structure in writing. I definitely recommend working with Tomer Adorian and would love to learn more from him in the future.” – Malena Hager

Personal Writing

Ort: Zoom Online
Termin: 27. Februar & 2./6./9. März, 2023
Auftakt Workshop für regelmäßige Schreibwerkstatt
Zeiten: Montag und Donnerstag – 18:30 Uhr bis 20:30 Uhr (4 Sessions)
Normale Gebühr: 275 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Frühbucher bis 11. Februar: 235 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Sofortbuchergebühr 20. Januar: 205 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Wiederholungstäter (Schreibwerkstatt): 155 Euro inkl. MwSt. 19%
Begrenzt auf 8 Teilnehmer*innen
Unterrichtssprache English
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