Casting-Training Workshop

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In this workshop participants will learn the key elements of a successful on-camera audition.

Workshop with Devin Shacket (NYC)

We will systematically break down the audition into two parts: the script and the world on screen. Beginning with sides from well written film and television shows, we will develop a process for working with text. This portion of the course will include ways of reading sides and making acting choices informed by the text. We will look at punctuation, action lines, stage directions, locations, events in the scene, and thoughts on the page as the basis of the story that need to be brought to life on screen. Once participants are proficient with the text, we will explore the world on camera.

„Her passion for the work is extraordinary. Her talent for the work is unique. Her commitment to the students is awesome.“ – Olympia Dukakis, Oscar Winning Actress & Master Teacher
„Devin is brilliant. She has a keen eye for text and content and has the ability to bring out the best performance in an actor. Her start in casting has provided her with an extra layer of understanding for what the director/producer might be looking for and she can guide the actor in a way that is both sensitive and respectful to what the actor is already bringing to the table. She has a lot to offer and I’m happy to see her succeed.“ – Julie Schubert, Emmy Award Winning Casting Director (Jessica Jones, Mindhunter, House Of Cards – Netflix)

This exploration will address ways to create a physical world on the auditioners screen as well as how behavior and body language tell the visual story. The goal of this course is for each participant to leave with a solid set of skills for auditioning on camera, and an unshakeable confidence behind a lens. Class will also include a Q & A about casting and the industry.

Casting-Training Workshop

BEGINNER Group 1: Becoming Actors, Starting Young Talents
Saturday & Sunday from 10am to 2pm
Early Bird Fee: 85 Euro | Normal Fee: 115 Euro

ADVANCED Group 2: Professional Actors & Experienced Talents
Saturday & Sunday from 4pm to 8pm
Early Bird Fee: 85 Euro | Normal Fee: 115 Euro

CASTING-TRAINING: Sommer 2020 | 2 Tage
Zeiten: Gruppe Anfänger 10:00 bis 14:00 Uhr | Gruppe Fortgeschrittene 16:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Ort: In Berlin, Schott Acting Studio | Limitiert auf 14 Teilnehmer
Gebühr: 115 Euro inkl. MwSt.| Frühbuchergebühr: 85 Euro inkl. MwSt.
Bildungsprämie (50%) & GVL (30%)
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CastingtrainingDevin Shacket began coaching and taping auditions in 2013, while working in the HOUSE OF CARDS: Season 2 casting department. Professional casting credits include the second season of the award winning show House of Cards, alongside Emmy Award winning casting director, Julie Schubert. Additional casting credits include feature films, (Good Funk, Black Nativity, Three Backyards), and theatre projects, (SF Playhouse). Freelance casting work includes collaborations with casting directors Meredith Tucker, Laray Mayfield, Kevin Kuffa, Rori Bergman, Bess Fifer, Beth Bowling, and Kim Miscia.