Scene Study

  • Early Bird until September 5th Please contact us before booking
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Scene Study – Acting Course with Paul Miller

Paul takes participants through a process he has developed whilst teaching at the Drama Centre London and working as an actor. Based on the work of Uta Hagen he gently allows actors to find themselves within a character using their intelligence, imagination and skills in transformation .

Scene Study: In depth analysis and practical tools that help to organise the actor and enable him to become imaginative, uncluttered and courageous. The work will include objectives, obstacles, actions, previous circumstances, units and how to best lay out your text to enable clear and creative work. It is important that you prepare scenes for the workshop in advance with a partner.


Venue: Hamburg
Dates: October 23th to 29th, 2017 | 7 Days | Schedule: 10am to 5:30pm
Fee: 775 Euro | By early application until September 5th 695 Euro inkl. MwSt
Grand: Bildungsprämie (50%) and GVL (30%)
Limited to: 16 Participants | No Observers
Before Booking: Please send us a an Email with your professional CV
or briefly write us something about yourself and why you want to particpate
For further Information please send us an Email:

For your application please click here!

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Animal Work: Animals are an actor´s friend. We can learn a lot from them. Animal work is a wonderful tool for creating a physical life different from our own and essential work in our quest to create a character. We base our work on animal movements and behaviour through detailed observation. We become the animal totally. From the humble rabbit and to the majestic eagle to the comical duck and proud lion. Once the animal has been established in our bones we understood it’s dynamics we slowly see how our investigations effect our bodies when we start to humanise the movements. You will find that you truly become some one other than yourself. Down to the way you lift your foot and scratch your ear.

“Paul ist ein wundervoller Lehrer. Er hat einen sensiblen und ehrlichen Blick. Er bleibt immer neugierig und unvoreingenommen. Er geht zusammen mit dir auf die Reise und gibt dir immer wieder aufs Neue Impulse, die dich herausfordern und deine Fantasie antreiben…” – Marc Rissmann

“Paul Miller schafft eine Atmosphäre des Vertrauens und der Ausgelassenheit. Mit seiner sehr kreativen und wertschätzenden Arbeitsweise erreichte er jeden Kursteilnehmer und so erreichten wir alle unsere kleinen bis grossen Ziele am Ende des Kurses. Seine Arbeit mit Tieren ist sehr inspirierend für die eigene Rollenarbeit. Besonders hervorzuheben ist, dass Paul Miller mit seiner Arbeitsweise jedem seine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit schenkt und ihn in der Suche nach seinen individuellen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten sehr konzentriert begleitet.” – Sascha Ö. Soydan

“I recently attended an Animal Work Intensive workshop with Paul Miller at the Schott Acting Studio. (The studio had been recommended by an acting professional in London.) I am glad that I chose to attend, as the experience was a very positive one. I appreciated being sent pre-workshop assignments and readings with which to prepare for the experience. I thought the instructor did a great job of creating a comfortable environment in which to explore the technique. He was passionate about the work and quite willing to come early/stay late for anyone who wished to have additional time to work on the technique. The group was made up of talented participants with a range of experience, and I felt I learned a great deal just from observing their work. The space was well-suited for the program, and it was great to have an option to stay on site. I plan to return to the studio for additional offerings.” – Qype

For further informations about Paul Miller please click here

Trailer short film Paul Miller please click here.

Scene Study

Acting Scene Study