Acting Foundation Intensive 2023
Uta Hagen, Stella Adler, Lee Strasberg + Improvisation and Exercises from British Drama Schools LAMDA, RADA, Guildhall and Drama Centre. with Matthias Schott We create a basis for your further…
Film/Tv/Theatre Workshops
Uta Hagen, Stella Adler, Lee Strasberg + Improvisation and Exercises from British Drama Schools LAMDA, RADA, Guildhall and Drama Centre. with Matthias Schott We create a basis for your further…
A LABAN WORKSHOP WITH MIKE ALFREDS. Mile Alfreds is offering a masterclass of seven 2-hour sessions on Laban Efforts. He will work on the eight archetypes (Floating, Gliding, Dabbing, Flicking,…
Acting Workshops Berlin: More information and workshop descriptions: Video 1: „Laura Dern and Sandra Seacat“ – Sandra Seacat Video 2: „Character Analysis & Movement Psychology“ – James Kemp Video…
Acting Workshop Berlin Szenenarbeit mit Dee Cannon (Acting Coach, RADA London) Schauspielworkshop mit Sheila Gray (Acting Coach NYC) Character Analysis & Movement Psychology mit James Kemp (LAMDA) Grundlagenkurse mit…
Animal Work In Film/Theatre mit Paul Miller (Drama Centre, London) Animals are an actors friend. We can learn a lot from them. Animal work is a wonderful tool for creating…
Schauspielworkshops mit Paul Miller in Wien (London, Drama Centre) Workshop: Animal- | Scene Work | Termine in Kürze über Newsletter: „Animals. We can learn a lot from them. Animal…
A workshop on the Chubbuck technique and acting in crime/ thriller stories with Elisabet Sevholt Crime and thriller stories deal with the basic human needs and people in life- and-death…
Animal-, Character-, Scene Work Acting Training Berlin with Paul Miller (Drama Centre, London) Where: Berlin Schedule: 3 days | 10:00 am to 6 pm Limited to 12 actors For further…
Ensemble Workshop: Szenen & Monologarbeit mit Paul Miller (London, Drama Centre) Paul takes participants through a process he has developed whilst teaching at the Drama Centre London and working as…