Animal-, Character-, Scene Work

Acting Training Berlin with Paul Miller (Drama Centre, London)

Where: Berlin
Schedule: 3 days | 10:00 am to 6 pm
Limited to 12 actors
For further information & application email or call us: | 0173/ 616 50 88

Paul takes participants through a process he has developed whilst teaching at the Drama Centre London and working as an actor. Based on the work of Uta Hagen he gently allows actors to find themselves within a character using their intelligence, imagination and skills in transformation .

This workshop is designed among other things to actors and becoming actors who are interested in further training and Ensemble Work with teachers and directors, as Paul Miller and future guest teachers and directors from London. The goal is to gradually build up ensembles and bring plays to the stage, which can be played with the support of the studio.



“Die Arbeit mit Paul Miller ist sehr bereichernd. Er kreierte in seinem Workshop schnell eine vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre, die eine intensive und persönliche Arbeit an Charakteren und Szenen ermöglicht. Es war ihm das größte Anliegen, alle Teilnehmer weiterzubringen und trotz harter Arbeit den Spaß am Spielen nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren. Paul ist selbst ein beeindruckender Schauspieler und ich bin froh, dass ich von seinem Wissen und seiner Leichtigkeit lernen und profitieren durfte. Werde in Zukunft wieder mit ihm arbeiten. Es gibt viel von ihm zu lernen.” – Paula Tuschner

“Working with Paul Miller has been an immense pleasure and has showed me that acting was also very much about having fun and opening yourself to others. Paul always took the time to work deeply on our scenes, to help us in the creation of our characters and to discuss our performances in detail. He always managed to create a warm atmosphere and a strong complicity among us. This sense of community has enabled us to produce a great quality work and to train in a climate of joy and good humour.”Nagisa Morimoto (France)

„Paul is a very special teacher, delicate, prepared and always able to create the right atmosphere for the job. He brings serenity and confidence and is able to find the key for each student to open their own artistic world. Always focused on the job, he truly conveys the attitude „Acting is easy and it’s fun“ and he is an expert of the „Animal Work“. Working with him will change the way you see things and take on your artistic career. Paul is an adventure that I recommend to every actor who wants to extend their horizons.“ – Ettore Nicoletti (Italy)

Paul Henry Miller bei IMDb (Credits: Doctors, Kommisar Wallander, Shameless and many more)
