Ensemble Workshop: Szenen & Monologarbeit mit Paul Miller (London, Drama Centre)
Paul takes participants through a process he has developed whilst teaching at the Drama Centre London and working as an actor. Based on the work of Uta Hagen he gently allows actors to find themselves within a character using their intelligence, imagination and skills in transformation .
Paul Miller is an English actor, writer and film maker. He trained at the Drama Centre London under Christopher Fettes and Yat Malmgrem. He works extensively as an actor on british TV. He has taught acting at the Drama Centre London, City Lit and the Method Studio and is also an accomplished film maker.
Paul Henry Miller bei IMDb (Credits: Doctors, Kommisar Wallander, Shameless and many more)
Ort: Berlin
Termin: Vom 25. bis 30. November 2014 | 10:00-18:00 Uhr
Gebühr: 610 Euro inkl. MwSt | Frühbucher nur 540 Euro inkl. MwSt.
Fördermöglichkeiten: Bildungsprämie und GVL
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt auf : 12 Plätze!
Für Infos & Anmeldung: kontakt@schott-acting-studio.de