On-Camera Scene Study

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On – Camera Scene Study with Seamus McNally

As an award-winning director, and leading coach for film and television in New York City, Seamus McNally serves actors at the top of their field in delivering some of their most convincing, nuanced work, often with very little time to prepare (Orange is the New Black, Vinyl, Roots, The Night of and many more). This refreshingly practical on-camera scene study course provides an effective foundation, grounding the actor in a unique, detailed prep, liberating them to simply be present and respond in the moment.

Throughout the course, the actors are first guided through scenes, applying a complex but accessible system of analysis. These scenes are then put on camera under Seamus’ direction, and then played back, where actors receive feedback on their work.

★ The course empowers actors to be fully prepared even with very little time.
★ “A shorthand” for scene analysis, and delivery of exceptional work on camera.

Testimonials from working actors:

Nick SandowI have been working and collaborating with Seamus for ten years now. He has coached me on many auditions and currently on my work in the show Orange Is The New Black. The work I do with Seamus is invaluable. He has a wonderful ability to extract the larger themes running through a scene and how they play out moment to moment. Seamus will always lead me back to the larger story while nurturing my instincts. Working with him continues to be enlightening and I highly recommend him as a coach/director.

~Nick Sandow Orange is the New Black (Netflix), Boardwalk Empire (HBO)

ato essandohSeamus has a sensitivity and mindfulness that borders on mystic. He’s an expert at creating a safe space which nurtures inspiration and creative freedom. Working with him is a lovely collaborative experience. I highly recommend his class.

~Ato Essandoh VINYL (HBO Martin Scorcese), Copper (BBC America), Django Unchained


Dates: August 28th & 29th (30th Break), August 31th, 2017
Venue: In Munich
Schedule: 3 Days | 10am to 6:00pm
Fee: 3 Days 585 Euro (incl. VAT) | Limited to 14 places
By early registration until July 14th: 3 Days 535 Euro (incl. VAT)
Observers (Directors, Actors, Casting Directors, Writers): 175 Euro (incl. VAT) | Limited to 12 observers
Grands: Bildungsprämie (50%) & GVL (30%)
For further information, please send us an Email: kontakt@schott-acting-studio.de

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On-Camera Scene Study

For more info and a look at some scene work directed by Seamus McNally :

Feel free to contact Seamus with questions about the course or the work itself. Just drop an email. A call can be arranged as well. Email: seamusmcnally@mac.com

On-Camera Scene Study Course