Scene Lab – 2 Tage Einführungsworkshop
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Scene Lab: The Art of Transformation mit
Darren Smith
2 Tage Einführungsworkshop
Entfessele die transformative Kraft Deines Schauspiels in Scene Lab: Die Kunst der Verwandlung. Dieser dynamische Szenenkurs soll Schauspielern und werdenden Schauspielern dabei helfen, die Alchemie der Performance zu erforschen – wo Text auf Fantasie trifft und der Charakter zum Leben erwacht. Durch praktische Übungen, angeleitete Erkundungen und ausführliches Feedback lernst du, den emotionalen Kern jeder Szene freizulegen, authentische Verbindungen herzustellen und Deiner Arbeit Wahrheit und Vitalität zu verleihen.
Ob du dein Handwerk verfeinern oder deine ersten Schritte machst, Scene Lab ist der richtige Ort, um zu experimentieren, zu wachsen und dein Potenzial als Schauspieler zu entdecken. Der zweitägige Einführungsworkshop legt den Grundstein für die kommenden regelmäßigen Scene Lab-Sitzungen.
“I had always dreamed of traveling to the UK to study acting and learn from classically trained tutors. But in Berlin, I found an amazing opportunity to do just that without having to leave the country. I took a week-long acting course with Darren, and it was an incredible experience. His knowledge of the craft was outstanding—he introduced us to techniques from Rudolf Laban and Patsy Rodenburg, sharing insights that aren’t easy to find in Germany. – Darren created such a positive and fun environment in class that I felt completely free to explore my acting. I also made some great friends during the course, many of whom I’m still in touch with today. One highlight was working on a monologue together that I still use today for all my auditions. – When I later studied at drama schools in the UK, I realized just how much I had learned in that one week with Darren. What he taught us in a short time often took a whole semester to cover in school. Thanks to him, I felt so much more prepared and confident. – If you’re in Germany and want to learn acting from someone who’s classically trained and truly passionate, I can’t recommend Darren enough. It’s an experience that will stick with you!” – Kiana
„Darren Smith bought to us a new and innovative experience in a course which we all had our doubts about. His methods were kind and filled with knowledge, love and passion for the arts, he helped us grow as individuals, bought us together as an ensemble and created a safe space for us, in which we could all bring in the best of ourselves to the work we were doing. The experience was fruitful and I have taken with me so much of his teachings. I would highly encourage everyone to cherish his daily words and imprint them deeply into your hearts and soul.“ – Mwenda Phiri
„My time with professor Darren was valuable on several levels. Not only did he have a delicate care for the artists goals and desires; he could at the same time give new perspective on the art being made. He is an artists artist, a true pioneer of creating something meaningful and making it happen no matter what. I will remember for the rest of my creative life the attributes Darren Smith brought and thought.“ – Benjamin Monjar
Ort: Berlin
Termin (2 Tag): 12. & 13. Februar 2025
Unterrichtszeiten: 10:30 – 17:00 Uhr
Normale Gebühr: 225 Euro inkl. 19% MwSt.
Frühbuchergebühr: 180 Euro inkl. 19% MwSt.
Für Mitglieder: Nur 165 Euro inkl. 19% MwSt.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt auf : 14 Teilnehmer*innen
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